Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fantasy Series Reviews

As somebody who reads an awful lot of speculative fiction-- sci fi, fantasy, and a little horror-- it occurred to me that most book reviews deal with solitary books rather than entire series. This doesn't make any sense, though, because unless a book is terrible, most folks read all the novels in a given series.

It's my intention to provide my personal opinion on a wide variety of spec fic series, providing the entire bibliography, an overview of the series, and a rating from zero to ten.

Some of the series I intend to review:

Robert Jordan, "Wheel of Time"
George R.R. Martin, "A Song of Ice and Fire"
CJ Cherryh, "Fortress", "Morgaine Cycle", "Faded Sun"
Tad Williams, "Memory, Sorrow and Thorn" and "Otherland"
Orson Scott Card, "Ender"
Dan Simmons, "Hyperion" and "Ilium"
Neil Gaiman, "American Gods"

To post a review of Tolkein might be considered something between blasphemy and idiocy, since LoTR is considered almost sacred, but I may take on that challenge anyway.

Thanks for reading.


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